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Check out Gourdlandia's YouTube channel for gourd growing and crafting how-to's!
Finger Lakes destination
Growing Gourds
We grow many varieties of gourds at Gourdlandia, with interesting names: Mini Chinese Bottle, Sennari, Tobacco Box, Four Inch Round, Extra Long-Handled Dipper, 100 Plus, etc. We also buy some from Amish gourd farmers in southern Pennsylvania.
The photo captions here contain
growing tips. You can get more information from the American Gourd Society.
More information on growing and crafting gourds can be found on Gourdlandia's YouTube channel.
Looking for the Seed Giveaway? I'm so sorry to say that it won't be happening in 2025. In the meanwhile, you can find a great selection of terrific, inexpensive gourd seeds at any of the following locations:
Quarry Farm Gourds via R. H. Shumway
Spread the love of gourds!
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