By the third year, a pattern is emerging! Thanksgiving weekend, multiple projects to choose from, none cost much, there's an undercurrent of happy industry, we're benefiting a really good cause, many gifts are made, and the building fairly hums with fun and gratitude.

I'm excited about some new projects as well as some old stand-byes this year. Birdhouses, chic gourd jewelry, beautiful hand-printed cards, and of course beeswax candles. On Saturday, there will also be two fabric crafts in A Space To Sew, also at Gourdlandia.

The projects are appropriate for people aged 8 and up. We'll be raising money (in small increments... projects range from $2 to $6) for school supplies for kids in Burma. My friend Nobel Htoo is an amazing young woman, a nursing student, who has been making yearly trips to deliver much needed supplies. Money raised at the Dabble-Do will be well-spent!

Drop in any time from noon to 5 on Saturday or Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend to make something beautiful... or maybe many somethings!